How to use FuelBox COUPLES
FuelBox has 10 topics and 170 cards with open questions.
If a question does not fit your life or situation, just angle it differently or put the card aside.

- Pick a random card from FuelBox’s different categories.
- Both should share their reflections and answer this question before moving on
- Be curious and ask follow-up questions to each other. FuelBox is not about getting through as many questions as possible, but more to create as much conversation as possible. Explore each others answers together.
- Once you feel that you are finished talking about this question, put it back and pick a new card.

A few tips from us to you
- Bring your FuelBox on dates, road trips and your next love trip
- Pick a few card while preparing food together.
- Pick one card every morning, night or saturday
- Be sure to always keep your box in sight in your home. You never know when you need some great conversations!
Ask follow-up questions
Can you tell me why?
Would you like to tell me more about this?
Would you like to explain this further?
What more can you say about this?
What do you think about this?