Thousands of questions in your pocket!
With the FuelBox app, you get a relationship-building conversation starter right in your pocket. With access to thousands of challenging, fun, and important questions, you can challenge and engage friends, family, children or even those you don’t know yet, to fun dilemmas, new perspectives, getting to know each other better, and last but not least; building important family and friendly relationships.
The questions can be found in various conversation packages. You choose a package and control whether you want to draw completely random questions or follow a fixed order of the questions.
The FuelBox app is easy to use and, in addition to an ever-growing question library, has questions put together based on life’s relationships and situations. Choose who you want to talk to, what you want to talk about, search for what you’re most interested in, or let the FuelBox app draw a completely random question for you.
One app – many functions and possibilities
💬 Start important conversations:
Challenge your perspective and that of others through our defined conversation packs with questions for organizational development, team development, leadership, business development, working environment, board work, etc.
🔎 Search and select
Search for relevant topics and keywords among more than 6400 questions from our library. You can also search for other users and follow other people’s question packs. These days, “Leadership” and “Ask the boss” are the most searched for.
🗂 My Library
Select the questions that are useful to you and save them to My Library. Collect the questions in your own question packs and name them yourself. Then share them with your team or colleagues. Other users’ question packs that you follow will be available in My Library and will be continuously updated when other users update the content.
📝 Create your own content
Organize your favorite questions into personalized conversation packages with names of your choosing. Utilize them personally or share them with friends, family, or your partner. The conversation packs you follow will be accessible in My Library, continuously updating as other users enhance the content. Shared conversations can be viewed by other app users, but you have the freedom to select which ones
☁️ Wordcloud and note board
Easily engage those present with polling, where the audience participates digitally from their phone or PC. Engage and document results with word clouds or note boards that are automatically saved in My Library, for easy retrieval later. Spend less time on technical setups, and more time on discussion and reflection.
✉️ Send your favorites
Send a question to anyone. The recipient does not need to have the app. Send via SMS, e-mail, or social media. Perhaps you want feedback on something that is important to you now, or engage friends and family at the weekend with a nice question for inspiration?