I never thought I would
tell you this dad

A few weeks ago I gave a talk to leaders in Norway on the value of great conversations in organisations. In one of the breaks, a man came over to me and said: 
– I just have to thank you for these boxes – one of them has given me the most moving moment in my life …
Immediately I feel it throughout my body; goose bumps and expectation, because this kind of personal feedback means everything to me.
– Do tell, I replay. I see that the man is tearing up in his eyes, while smiling:

– We sat in our cabin a few weekends ago and picked a card from a FuelBox FAMILY. When we read out the question “Who was your hero when you were little and who are your role models today?”, tears began to rolling down my 12 year old sons cheeks. My wife and I were both surprised by this, but before we managed to do something, my son said, 
– You are daddy! And he explained further: – I cry because I think that if we had not picked that question, I’m afraid I would never dare or find an opportunity to tell you this! This is a boy who usually does not like to talk too much with us or anybody else.

I think this is such a beautiful story! Because that’s just how it is for all of us, right? It’s not that easy to ask, or share what we really think about each other? Perhaps we do not find the right setting for this kind of feedback, or it’s hard to start conversations like these just “out of the blue”?

Neither with our children, partners, our own parents or good friends?
But, we know the value of these conversations and we know that we need them, all of us!

We all need to feel seen, heard and valued by the people we have in our lives. Our children need it and we as parents do too.
I think that was what made the night in the cabin such a emotional experience, for both father and son; it was an opportunity to put into words what his father really meant to him…

Who is your hero and have you told him or her lately?
With fuel from

FuelBox World